Happy thanksgiving people of the world. I know it's a US holiday, but still have a happy Thursday.
Today Is one of those holidays filled with tradition. The macy's thanks giving parade is how you start it out. Followed by the Detroit lions game, which will interupted in order to make a plate. Then a turkey induced nap to follow. That is the way it had always been for me until I got married.

I'm not writing about how once we were married we had to do the two house hop, as we had thanksgiving dinner at both sets of parents houses on the same day. No today I am talking about the church my wife grew up in and their traditional thanksgiving morning service .
It is a casual small service (the church seats a couple thousand but on this day only a couple hundred attend), and from what I have experienced the main purpose of this service, besides giving thanks to the Lord, is to try and make you cry. To try and make you reach for a tissue as you can no longer hold back the emotion and begin to leak fluid from your eye-holes (technical term, look it up). Each year they ask a congregation member to tell how they overcame hardship and adversity in the previous year. How one overcame cancer, another job lose, another had gone to jail for crimes he admitted to, every year a sadder and sadder tale with that oh so surprising now things are great ending. And each year I see folks all over the sanctuary burst into tears. I think there is a much larger portion of society that enjoys crying than I once thought. I, on the other hand, sit there looking like the unfeeling ass, as I yawn and read the church brochure from the pew in front of me. I'm not a bad guy but how about picking it up with a little humor this year pastor. I applaud these folks for overcoming and picking themselves up off the mat, but why do they have to make you cry to feel that. I'll wait til a little later in the day when see how the lions are doing before I start the water works.
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