So this is a story from a week or so ago but I thought I would tell it here. I work with a man named stuart. He is in his mid-fifties and has Down syndrome. Stu was already working at the pharmacy when I started there in 2001, and lot of other folks have come and gone, but stu and I are still there.
Stu is my buddy, he greets me each day with a bear hug or hi-five, asks how I'm doing, tells me about his girl friends and what sport he's doing that weekend and then goes on about his duties. Stu lives on his own and the county has bus service that brings him to work each day. When we have store functions like Christmas parties or baseball games I usually am the one who picks up stu and takes him home, basically he's my bud.
One of the medical issues my bud has is the occasional case of gout. To help prevent future attacks stu isn't suppose to have sodas. Standing at the pharmacy counter all day I often have a coke sitting there that I drink throughout my shift. In the past few months stu has brought it to my attention several times that I had better be careful with my soda or as he says I'm "gonna get the gout.". The other day he stepped up his concern for my health a notch.
I stepped away from the counter for a few minutes the other day and when I returned my coke was not where I had left it. The technician on duty told me that stu had taken it. Ooookkayyy. Stu comes to the counter at lunchtime to get a dose of medication, so I asked him about my soda. He told me not to worry about it he was taking care of it. Ooooookkkkaaayyy. I then went off to lunch and when I returned my coke bottle had been returned....sort of.

Stu had replaced my soda with water. I couldn't believe it. It made me feel so good that he cared that much about me and my health. Sure I'm out a coke, but my buddy cares about me not getting the gout. Thanks stu, I'll try and do better.
- Meglio un giorno da leona che cento da pecora.