Monday, May 30, 2011

How far for tasty goodness

So how far would you drive for some tasty goodness on a Sunday morning. For me it's about a 20-25 minute drive to a little hole in the wall place. I think the time is worth it.

Mmmmmm Mmmmmm good.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My memorial Weekend tradition

Today is one of my favorite days of the year, the sunday of memorial day weekend. Ever since I can remember growing up this was Indy 500 day. It is tradition, and until I got older I thought it was the tradition of every American household.

I love the all the pageantry, the history, the drama. The national anthem, the 21 gun salute and taps honestly bring my heart into my throat as we remember our country's fallen heroes. And Jim Neighbors signing "Back home Again in Indiana" is one of my guilty pleasures.

This year, as in years past, I am pulling for John Andretti and Tony kanaan. They both are hard luck kids, getting bit by the crash/breakdown bug every year. But each year could be the one.

Later in the night is nascar's 600 mile race, which I will half watch. It just has always seemed like the new kid on the block, trying to step into indy's spotlight.

I want to take a moment to thank all those who have served in our military forces. Even if we only seem to show our appreciation on a couple days during the year, we thank you for your service every day. And I thank all those who gave there life for my freedom to enjoy this day.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just because

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Blast from the past

Leave it to a snack food to bring back a throw back product that truly threw me back.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

and unto the world i shall bring my randomness

meet wasa-b-tron. the robot. the myth. the legend.
 i have decided to start selling some of randomness to the world. you know through it all out there and let the universe decide.  you can visit my etsy store "last days of the maharaja" under xtencioart. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Good morning world

Good morning world. This is my Thai pepper plant I have growing on my back porch.

As I looked at my little pepper growing so nicely, I couldn't help but think "why didn't you plant that in the two vegetable garden beds you made?".

Ahhh nature at it's finest confined to a small plastic tub sitting on the railing of my porch. Just the way it should be.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Garage vs yard

As I drove around this past weekend I saw several signs for this seasons tradition, the yard sale, or if you are so inclined the garage sale.

Personally I don't use the two as interchangably as the rest of the world seems to be able to do. To me it is more like comparing a small family run business to a guy selling bootlegged CDs on the corner.

When you have a garage it's like having a storefront, it is your little store and if you have enough stuff you may expand to a sidewalk sale. It's a higher class setup.

While when you have a yard sale for the most part it's like a tornado dumped all your old crap on the lawn. Okay maybe you put your stuff on some tables, but I'm still talking about store front vs flea market.

At this point let me say I have no problem with either the yard or garage sale. They are both great ways to pick up some extra cash while helping to keep things out of landfills. Just don't try and tell me how classy your yard sale was.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A night at the park

So tonight I find myself a minor league baseball game with my pops. Watching richmonds own flying squirrels take on the Bowie baysox. Tonight is one of those nights that can only happen in the minors, it's bark at the park night at the diamond. That's right bring your dog to the ball game.

I got to admit I love it. Sure I cant bring my pooch, who would lose his mind, but it a cool idea.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A rainy morning but never on the right day

Why is it that as of recently every rainy morning that occurs happens on a day I have to get up for work. I need a nice rain on my day off mother nature. Thanks

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What will the limit be?

As I drove for some donuts this Sunday morning something struck me. In the area where I was there are 2 Mcdonalds within 1/4 mile of eachother.

These two store were both packed on a Sunday morning, so they must know what they are doing. But what do you think the limit of McDonalds will be? How many can the world support? Is there a saturation point for the world an how far off might that be?

Sure the population of the world is still growing, and there will always be physical land spots that they can move into, but is there a cow limit? Will the world support the ever growing need or all beef patties?

Just a random Sunday morning thought.

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

when food looks like the food

went out thursday to see thor and then went out for a late lunch.  we ended up at the black sheep, a local sandwich shop that had recently been on travel channel's man vs. food.   as their special for the day they had a soft shell crab sandwich.  i'm not usually a great fan of the soft shell crab but any sandwich that they say has bacon moves up several notches in my book. 

the only problem with this sandwich is it always amazes me that a soft shell crab just looks so much like a crab. all the legs so neatly deep fried, like it could scurry away if i don't munch off the legs first.  stay right there you tasty little fried crustacean friend.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

real world toy train

this is a tilt shift photo i took from hollywood cemetery looking down at a train traveling along the james river.  i don't know who chose the site for this cemetery but all these years later it is truly a great place in the city of richmond.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

powerful stuff

so another find on my trip to the asian market this past week was a box of tea that i had to look at several times. it must be some powerful stuff in that little box.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

to quack no more

i love my trips to the local asian market. the smells. the sounds. the excitement of a far off land right in your backyard.   you never now what delights will be for sale.  most of the time i see savory morsels in jars and cans and have no idea what are in them, but today i got lucky and somebody spelled it out for me. donald look away.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Excuse me mr snake

So I arrived at our house last night after having dinner with my dad, brother and his family. As I walked to the back door, I spotted what appeared to be a baby snake curled up on one of the slate stones that form the walk to my backdoor. Our area is home to copperheads and we have found baby ones in our yard before, so I approached with caution. He wasn't moving as I came closer. He just lay there motionless.

Perhaps he is sleeping I thought. "hello mr snake" I politely said while poking him with a long stick.

Mr snake then began squirm about in a random fashion. Wrapping himself around the end of the stick.

Then I noticed something else "mr snake where has your head gone?"

That's right I came home to find a headless baby copperhead on my sidewalk. now where his head wandered off to I have no idea but if anyone out there has an extra could you send it our way. Mr snake would be most appreciative. Thanks

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

A line in the grass

So as my spring yard work begins, I have once again begun a battle with my redneck neighbor.

I don't particularly care a great deal for my yard. I have lots of weeds amongst the grass, and a few bare spots, but compared to my neighbor I have a botanical garden. He doesn't do a thing.

Okay I really don't care deeply about his lack of lawn care except for one point. All along the property line that divides our yards is a bed filled with poison ivy. Arrrgghhh. It tries to creep and creep. Trying to come through the cracks in the fence.

Would it be wrong to just dump round-up over the fence.

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