Thursday, May 19, 2011

Garage vs yard

As I drove around this past weekend I saw several signs for this seasons tradition, the yard sale, or if you are so inclined the garage sale.

Personally I don't use the two as interchangably as the rest of the world seems to be able to do. To me it is more like comparing a small family run business to a guy selling bootlegged CDs on the corner.

When you have a garage it's like having a storefront, it is your little store and if you have enough stuff you may expand to a sidewalk sale. It's a higher class setup.

While when you have a yard sale for the most part it's like a tornado dumped all your old crap on the lawn. Okay maybe you put your stuff on some tables, but I'm still talking about store front vs flea market.

At this point let me say I have no problem with either the yard or garage sale. They are both great ways to pick up some extra cash while helping to keep things out of landfills. Just don't try and tell me how classy your yard sale was.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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