ahhh a bright beautiful april spring morning. the birds singing, the sun shining and the smell of vegetation killer floating through the air.
i decided to start my spring yard work this morning the traditional way by spraying toxic chemicals, just like my forefathers did before me. i am speaking of the weed killer and preventer that i use on my gravel driveway and front walk.
after making the prerequisite trip to lowe's for a liquid so strong that mother nature weeps at it's sight, i returned home. i went to my shed and retrieved the sprayer in which i would mix my deadly cocktail. no need for proper measurements one full bottle of toxic gold to as much water as will fill the sprayer.
i then began to pump the sprayer up to full pressure when a i noticed a slight problem. the handle of the sprayer was cracked and my deadly mix was leaking out. i would have to work fast. i quickly went from shed to driveway i'm sure killing bits of my lawn as i went. once there i pumped some more and began to spray. the whole while the toxic liquid dripping through my fingers. i must hurry. pump pump pump. spray spray spray. drip drip drip. is that tingling in my hand cold from the water used to mix my poison or was it the poison itself saying hello. and done!
now as a pharmacist i know that many medications can be given transdermally and it can be a very effective method for uptake, so why did i allow myself those 15-20 minutes of exposure to toxic chemicals. you would think i would know better. living in the moment i did not think about how much faster i will be able to type once i grow that extra finger and hopefully i will be able to spell better with a few less brain cells.
so long weeds i will not miss thee.
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